Wednesday, June 10, 2015

My Gardens 2015

So I thought I would take a minute, while it's super hot and share what I have in my gardens this year...Yes are strung out over an acre.

I did have seeds started, but when I was getting ready to plant them, I had a CAT knock over the tray :( I had no clue what was what, tried planting them, but nothing ever came up. Most of what I have was plant starts this year.

(Please excuse the "weeds", I have a broken foot and it's proving to be very difficult to get on the least for a couple more weeks anyway, then I get this dang orthopedic boot OFF!!!)

Anyway, here is what I have!!

Cabbage - Yes it's a been eaten by a worm, which is GONE now! This is the first year that I have tried to grow this and I have 4 that are doing pretty well!

Carrots - I think it's getting time to thin them out!

Onion - I have a LOT of these!

Yellow Bell Pepper - Only one :( no one likes them but me, they make great stuffed peppers though!

Sweet Potatoes - LOTS of these!! (We also have regular potatoes, but I can't get to where they are. I think, out of both varieties we have about 40 plants!

String Beans - These little guys were in BAD shape when I brought them home, but thanks to my greenhouse, I was able to save them! Not bad for 50 cents!!!

Okra - Only one this year

Pumpkin - We only planted one this year. We only needed one....then I found 48 MORE plants growing by the driveway that just started popping up! This is when I found out one of my kids dropped some seeds LAST year, now we have 49 pumpkin plants!!! Guess I better start looking for recipes!

Popping Corn - Never grew these before, but for 50 cents each, thought I would give it a try!

Big Boy Tomatoes - YUM!!!

Mr. Stripey Tomato on the left
Not sure about the one on the right though, lost the tag :(

Two Yellow Sweet Cherry Tomatoes - the one on the left got knocked over in the wind, I'm slowly setting it back up

I also have 2 Cherokee Purple that aren't pictured....I think I may be over run with tomatoes this year! More recipes to look up!

Zucchini - Several of these

Lemon Balm

Catnip - My cats LOVE this!!



Lemon Mint - Another one that I got in bad shape and am trying to baby

Chocolate Mint - Another one in poor shape

Sweet Basil - yet another I got that needs some love


Butterfly, Bee and Hummingbird Garden - There is Cardinal Flower, Copper Iris, Dwarf Iris, Indian Pink, Swamp Milkweed, Bee Balm, and a box of mixed flowers from the Dollar Tree.

Rhubarb - Year 1

Strawberries - The front two rows were transplanted about a week ago, the last row my oldest daughter planted. I hoping they perk up soon.


Birdhouse Gourds

Cucumbers - with Polk greens growing in the middle!



Apple Tree


Cherry Tree

Crimson Sweet and Black Diamond Watermelon

Plum Tree


Our local ACE was having a huge clearance sale on herbs and vegetables, most were 24 - 50 cents each!!! I picked up a few more. They need some major TLC and they may not make it, but I am sure going to give it a shot!

Now I have the vines weaved through the fence and everything organically fertilized. Thankfully it was dry today and is suppose to rain for the next 5 days. I can't say too much about the yard. I wish I could have gotten it mowed, but the dang bearing went out, the belt broke and the deck bolt came super loose all within a matter of seconds. :( So, the mowing will have to wait till next week!

What do you have growing this year?

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